Satisfactory 学术 Progress (SAP) Policy

以下令人满意的学术进步政策符合7月1日发布的联邦法规, 2011.

美国的使命.S. 教育部门是帮助学生在学业上朝着获得学位或证书的目标前进. To assure this goal is met, the U.S. 教育部要求各大学确定是否以最有效的方式利用了经济援助. 学生财务服务部门负责监督每个财政援助申请人的学术工作,并确认学生的学业成功和继续获得财政援助的资格,或确定学生是否在学术上朝着学位目标前进. This also includes credits not paid for by financial aid.

请注意:如果学生是 暂停 从大学开始, this issue must be resolved first before 学生 Financial Services will review an appeal. 学术 standing is administered through the 学生 Success Center. This can be completed by going to the 学生 Success Center 十大彩票平台Net page (十大彩票平台 Account login required). The 学生 Success Center phone number is (413) 755-4715. 请参阅 学术地位政策. 这项政策是为了经济援助的目的,比机构的学术地位政策更具限制性.


  • Cumulative grade point average:
    • 学生应保持以下最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为经济援助目的:
      尝试信用 最低绩点
      1 - 12 1.50
      13 - 21 1.70
      22 - 30 1.80
      31 + 2.00
    • All courses attempted with earned grades of A, B, C, D, 和F在GPA计算中包含(参见新开始处理的附加信息), 不完整的, 和重复成绩).
  • Rate of Completion (Passing Percentage):
    学生s must successfully pass at least 66.66% of all credits attempted.
    • 转学学分、ESL和补习课程都包含在通过率的计算中.
    • 在百分比计算中,只有A、B、C和D的成绩被认为是成功完成.
    • Grades of W, F or I (incomplete) would adversely affect a student's rate of completion.
    • Example: The total number of credits attempted is 48 credits.  You must successfully complete at least 32 credits  (48 credits X 66.66% = 32学分)
  • Maximum Time Frame (Length of time):
    • 学生必须在少于教育计划公布长度150%的时间内完成他们的课程. 
    • 在此时间框架内未完成课程的学生将不再有资格获得经济援助.
      • 此外,以下适用:最多24个补救学分免除此要求. 
      • 在计算该课程的最长时间要求时,将考虑已应用于学生记录的转学分.
      • If changing academic programs, 在计算完成新课程要求所需的时间时,将计算之前课程的所有学分.  As a result, you may be required to submit a program evaluation for your new program.
    • Example: Liberal Arts Transfer (LTTR) is a 60-credit program.  你不能尝试超过90学分(60学分X 150% = 90学分),以保持可接受的完成速度, students should be completing at least 66.66%的尝试学分,以便在150%点之前完成他们的学习计划.
    • 请注意:  从十大彩票平台毕业或超过当前课程150%的学生如果只参加未来课程的先决条件,可能没有资格获得经济援助.

SAP Review and Appeal Process

  • SAP is evaluated annually, at the end of each Spring semester. (除了证书课程和试用期学生,在这种情况下,SAP在每个学期结束时运行).
  • If a student has reached 110% of their program length, 他们将收到一个警告,通知他们正在接近获得经济援助资格的最长时间.  The student is still eligible to receive financial aid at this point in time.
  • Failure to meet SAP standards will result in unsatisfactory academic progress; the student will be notified.
  • If a student has extenuating circumstances, they have a right to appeal (in writing) explaining why they didn't make satisfactory academic progress 同时就读于十大彩票平台.  Examples of extenuating circumstances include medical, 个人, 或者家庭问题, 专业变更, 或者服兵役. Please attach appropriate documentation of support.
  • If a student's appeal is approved, they may be placed on probation for the next semester with the following condition; that the student must make satisfactory academic progress or meet the conditions of probation.  Failure to meet this condition will result in unsatisfactory academic progress.
  • At the discretion of 学生 Financial Services, the student may be placed on probation with an academic plan.  If a student is placed on an academic plan, additional requirements will be outlined for students on a case-by-case basis.
  • The student will be notified once their appeal is reviewed. Turn around time is approximately 2 weeks; however, 由于学期之间的时间有限,学生可能无法在下个学期开始之前收到通知. The student must make their own financial arrangements to pay their bill.
  • If a student is currently receiving financial aid or their application is being reviewed, 在对他们的上诉作出决定之前,他们的申请和/或援助将被搁置.  If the student has a tuition bill for the following semester, they must make their own payment arrangements.
  • If an appeal is denied, the student must take classes at their own expense.  学生必须证明他们能够在学生金融服务的指导下成功完成课程.  Course work taken at other colleges will not be considered for reinstatement purposes.


  • 全新的开始: 获得“新开始”计划的批准并不一定会改变你以前的经济援助地位. Please contact 学生 Financial Services to check your eligibility. For more information, please see the 学术 Forgiveness (Fresh Start) Policy.
  • 不完整: If your SAP status was unsatisfactory in part due to an Incomplete Grade, please contact 学生 Financial Services immediately upon receiving your grade change.  We will recalculate your SAP based on the grade change.
  • 重复的课程: The SAP policy will follow the college policy on repeated courses.  学生s may repeat a course.  Please refer to the 十大彩票平台 academic policy to determine which letter grade will be used.  All repeated courses are included in attempted courses.
