视觉 Communication and Media Production Cluster

Are you hands-on and creative? Are you an influencer? 你认为自己是研究人员还是调查人员? 你是否更喜欢借鉴电影史的一种更具艺术性的内容创作形式? 你喜欢从一张空白的画布开始创作一件艺术品吗? Do you have an eye for photography, fashion, or design?

如果答案是 是的 to any of these questions, check out our 视觉 Communication and Media Production Cluster. No matter your medium, 我们有一些节目可以帮助你传达你的信息,讲述你的故事. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art equipment, 小班授课, and experienced instructors who get to know you. 无论你是打算立即工作还是转到四年制大学,让十大彩票平台成为你的缪斯!

Be sure to visit the 艾米H. Carberry 艺术s Gallery while on campus or virtually!

Check out all of the supports we offer on our 传输服务 page.

Find Job Opportunities

学生s who pursue a course of study in the 视觉 Communication and Multimedia Production Cluster find employment opportunities in:

  • Advertising and Design
  • Computer and Digital 艺术
  • 复制编辑
  • 创意写作
  • 教育
  • 电影制作
  • Freelance Photography
  • 平面设计
  • Interactive Animation
  • 插图
  • 新闻生产
  • 公共关系
  • 出版
  • Social Media Advertising and Analytics
  • 工作室艺术
  • Television Production
  • 电子游戏设计
  • 很多很多!*

*Take a look at our 职业服务 page 您可以在哪里了解我们在您的教育和职业生涯中提供的更多支持. 职业教练 gives you immediate access to current job opportunities, 一个简历制作和搜索工具,以了解更多的职业前景和就业机会在你的领域!



艺术-你准备好参与想象的艺术过程了吗, 设计, creating and sharing your artwork? 这个为期两年的文科转学副学士课程将向您介绍艺术家和设计师使用的技术流程和创意概念.

  • 转到四年制学院或大学,在那里你可以获得学士学位或学士学位
  • 完成第一年的学习后,通过以下途径转到麻省艺术与设计学院 MassTransfer
  • Be sure to check out all of the supports we offer on our 传输服务 page!

Communication and Digital Media Transfer

Communication and Digital Media Transfer-你想转学到马萨诸塞州的公立学院或大学(包括马萨诸塞大学系统)吗?? Can you see yourself working in television, 新闻, digital filmmaking/editing, or documentary production? 把时间花在写作、导演、摄像或工作室制作上怎么样? 如果你对更广泛的传播和数字媒体领域的研究感兴趣, this degree is for you!

Digital Media Production Technology

Digital Media Production Technology- Are you interested in becoming a Video/Audio Editor, Social Media Specialist/Influencer, 教育al/Broadcast Media Technician, 在线记者, Camera Operator or Media Talent Acquisition Specialist? 通过这个学位课程,提高你的相关技能:

  • Developing effective communication strategies
  • 使用工业标准的计算机和基于云的软件/硬件来制作媒体内容
  • Writing, performing, and presenting your productions

Digital Photography

Digital Photography-你想成为一个专业的自由摄影师吗? 你想胜任入门级专业摄影工作吗? Then this is the degree program for you! Enhance your skills related to:

  • 肖像,时尚,产品,位置,编辑,广告和美术摄影
  • 社交媒体设计和广告活动开发

English Communication and Professional Writing

English Communication and Professional Writing-你想转学到马萨诸塞州的公立学院或大学(包括马萨诸塞大学系统)吗?? 你想把自己和其他员工区别开来吗, 通过你在工作场所的互动和传递信息的方式? 在英语交流和专业写作学位课程中,熟练掌握:

  • 具备各种领域所需的批判性思维和沟通能力
  • 制作能够触及所有受众类型的书面文本
  • 学术 and professional writing
  • This program meets the Mass Transfer A2B requirements for the Pathway in Communication.
  • Be sure to check out all of the supports we offer on our 传输服务 page!


平面设计-你想成为一名专业平面设计师吗? With this degree, you will become proficient in:

  • 排版,布局,数字印前制作和工作流程
  • 出版, packaging, and web design
  • 平面设计

Interactive Media and Animation Design

Interactive Media and Animation Design- Are you considering a career in interactive new media? 你有兴趣探索现场专业人士使用的真实世界动态媒体制作技术吗? 通过这个学位课程,提高你的相关技能:

  • 视频制作
  • Game design; web and graphic design for interactive content
  • Animation and motion graphics for various media

Social Media Strategy and Design

Social Media Strategy and Design- Want to run successful ad campaigns on social media? Own a business and want a competitive edge? 你是一名拥有现有学位的专业人士,希望提升技能吗? With this one year certificate you will:

  • 学习如何为每个社交媒体平台创建特定的内容,以瞄准和吸引在线观众, building a community of followers
  • 创建社交媒体活动,并通过分析来衡量其有效性
  • 获得平面设计、动态图形、市场营销和广告方面的技能


For more information on any of these programs, 请填写下面的信息申请表,并选择您感兴趣的课程. You can also skip this step and 马上申请 or find out more about possible careers at 职业教练.